How can I protect my Levelogger from corrosive or marine environments?
The Levelogger 5 and Levelogger 5 LTC have a corrosion resistant coating. In harsher chemical environments, you can protect the Levelogger using a thick membrane balloon (e.g. helium) filled with non-corrosive/non-toxic fluid (tap water). As pressure changes, the fluid encasing the dataloggers will transmit the pressure differential to the datalogger's pressure transducer, without exposing it to corrosive conditions. Continual monitoring is recommended to assess the effectiveness of the protection at your site.
How do I install my Levelogger in a surface water application?
For installations within rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes and watershed or drainage basin monitoring, the shallow pressure range (M5) Levelogger 5 or Levelogger 5 Junior should be considered. For installation in streams or rivers, stilling wells can be constructed which shield the instrument from the water turbulence. Alternatively, Leveloggers can be lowered into a protective pipe or casing and then attached to a permanent fixture such as a bridge, pier or hand driven marker/rod.
How do I protect my Levelogger from freezing?
To avoid icing/freezing and transducer damage, the easiest method is to lower the transducer to a point in the water column below the frost line or ice formation depth. In water bodies such as shallow streams, wetlands or ponds where icing/freezing may penetrate to the bottom, install the Levelogger in a vented stilling well imbedded into the bottom of the water body beyond the frost line.
If this is not possible, place the Levelogger inside a thick membrane balloon filled with a non-toxic, noncorrosive anti-freeze solution or saltwater solution. Place the balloon in a section of perforated, 30 mm (1.25") ID pipe and install the logger in the monitored water. The antifreeze solution will protect the Levelogger from ice expansion at the pressure transducer, yet transmit any pressure and temperature fluctuations that occur.
How do I protect my Levelogger from biofouling?
Use the Solinst Model 3001 Biofoul Screen.
Is Levelogger maintenance required?
Yes, consult the Solinst Technical Bulletin "Ensuring Proper Use and Maintenance of Leveloggers" to maintain the long life of your instrument, based on the monitoring environment specific to your application.