Peristaltic Pumps

410 Peristaltic Pump

solinst peristaltic pumps

Designed for field use, the reversible flow Peristaltic Pump from Solinst is ideal for vapor sampling or water sampling from shallow wells and surface water. It can be used for vacuum pumping and for pressure delivery of liquids or gases.

The mechanical peristaltic operation uses rotating rollers to depress the silicone tubing, creating a vacuum, which displaces any fluid or gas in the chosen direction. It is effective to depths up to the suction lift limit, which varies with elevation, and can be as much as 10 m or 33 ft at sea level.


Peristaltic Pump Design

solinst peristaltic pump clear head design

The Solinst Peristaltic Pump features a clear pump head that allows quick, convenient inspection of the pump head tubing before and during operation. The pump head cover is easy to remove for cleaning or replacing the tubing. The pump head tubing guides are designed to keep the tubing in place during sampling, no extra tubing clamps required.

The Peristaltic Pump is compact and lightweight. A handle and one convenient control on the top of the pump make it perfect for fieldwork.

The Solinst Peristaltic Pump has no vents, grates or openings. The metal case is extremely robust and water resistant. This makes the Peristaltic Pump simple to maintain and repair.


Model 410 Peristaltic Pump Specifications
Sampling Depth: As much as 10 m (33 ft) at sea leve
Pump Size: 33 cm x 13 cm x 17 cm (13" x 5" x 6-1/2")
Pump Weight: 3.3 kg (7.2 lbs)
Power Source: 12 volt DC
Power Draw: 3–5 amps max.
Optional 12V Battery Holdder Max. Battery Dimensions: L: 14.9 cm W: 9.6 cm
H: 9.1 cm
L: 5.9” W: 3.8” H: 3.6