LevelSender 5 Telemetry

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LevelSender 5 Telemetry

The LevelSender 5 is a simple, low-cost system designed to wirelessly send data from Solinst dataloggers in the field via cellular communication to multiple locations of your choice for flexible remote access.

Solinst provides the option of a pre-programmed LevelSender with 4G LTE-M SIM setup. The Solinst SIM card scans multiple networks and connects to the strongest signal. Low cost, dataonly plans are billed directly through Solinst for convenience.

LevelSender 5 remote stations are compact in design, which allows them to be discreetly installed inside a 2" diameter monitoring well or other housing.

Each LevelSender 5 device has a single port to connect one datalogger. An optional splitter provides connections for two dataloggers. A built-in barometer provides the option of reporting barometrically compensated Levelogger readings.

Along with water level, temperature, conductivity, barometric, or rainfall data, battery level and status updates from the remote LevelSender 5 are received with each data report.


Solinst Cloud Enabled

Solinst Cloud allows you to store, view and manage your data and LevelSender setups in one convenient spot. This web-based tool is easily accessed using a browser (see Solinst Cloud Data Sheet).

There is also the option to use Levelsender PC Software to set up your LevelSender and receive data via FTP transfer; email and SMS are also options. You can access data on your PC and right on your smart device.


Advantages of the LevelSender 5