In-field Communication

If you have installed your Levelogger using wireline/Kevlar cord, you can communicate with your Levelogger via a Field Reader 5 or Desktop Reader 5 and Levelogger Software on a laptop PC.

If you have installed your Levelogger using an L5 Direct Read Cable, you can communicate with your Levelogger via a PC Interface Cable and Levelogger Software on a laptop PC, using a Levelogger 5 App Interface and the Solinst Levelogger App on your mobile device, or connect an SRU or a DataGrabber 5, without removing the Levelogger from the well.

solinst levelogger field reader 5 optical communications cable

Field Reader 5

solinst levelogger desktop reader 5 optical communications cable

Desktop Reader 5

solinst levelogger pc interface cable for connecting direct read cable to pc computer

PC Interface Cable


solinst levelogger 5 app interface for using leveloggers on smart devices

Levelogger 5 App Interface

solinst readout unit sru


solinst datagrabber 5 levelogger data transfer device with usb key

DataGrabber 5



solinst levelogger direct read optical adaptorAn L5 Threaded or Slip Fit Adaptor can be used to directly connect a Levelogger to a Levelogger 5 App Interface, SRU or DataGrabber 5.